The project is located on Camas Creek in Lake County Oregon. In 2011, The Lake County Umbrella Watershed Council and Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program began working with the landowner to restore the reach. A 1/2-mile riparian fence was constructed to reduce grazing pressure along the creek. Vegetation has rebounded in the 11 years since the fence was installed. However, the past degraded conditions left the stream incised with limited access to a true floodplain. The channel has been slowly widening and developing a new inset floodplain. One of our main goals of this project is to speed up the channel evolution, by capturing sediment and aggrading the stream and increasing floodplain/riparian connectivity.
In the fall of 2021, 14 Beaver Dam Analogs (BDA) were installed on Camas Creek during a Phase I build. The intention of the BDAs is to collect sediment to facilitate localized channel aggradation to improve floodplain connectivity and increase the riparian water table to create conditions that will be more rapidly colonized by riparian vegetation and improve fish habitat.
In the fall of 2024, 12 additional BDAs were implemented along the same reach in a Phase II build. During post project monitoring beavers were observed working in the reach and building upon a BDA structures. This project is using the principles laid out in the Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration Riverscapes Restoration Design Manual
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