Thursday, April 24 | 5 - 8 PM
620 N 1st St. Lakeview, OR 97630
Designed to help forest landowners start or update a management plan. Participants will learn the plan template, scheduling considerations, and where to find help.
Questions? Contact Autumn Muir
Monday, May 5 | 5 - 8 PM
620 N 1st St. Lakeview, OR 97630
This workshop covers the Lake County All Lands Restoration Initiative Noxious Weed Management Plan. Learn to identify, prevent, detect, and eradicate noxious weeds, schedule treatments, and find support.
Questions? Contact Autumn Muir
Wednesday, June 25 | 5 - 8 PM
620 N 1st St. Lakeview, OR 97630
This workshop builds awareness of forest health and proactive management. Learn about tree habitat needs, insects, diseases, and how to access assistance for reducing fuel loads and creating a resilient forest.
Questions? Contact Autumn Muir