Juniper expansion has shown a negative impact on forage production, wildlife habitat, fire cycles, and overall watershed functions. Treatment options are available to reverse this trend. Forest health projects are NOT just limited to juniper removal. Treatment can include pine and aspen stand enhancement as well.
Through a century of fire suppression and land management practices, the forests of this region have increased in stand density, loss of diversity, and altered watershed functions. This shift from historical conditions has increased the scale and risk of wildfire severity while reducing forest resiliency to drought, insect, and disease. High priority resources and habitat are in jeopardy.
Recent summers have provided an example to what the future holds for private and public forestland. Collaborative partnerships, quality planning, followed by implementation make cross-boundary treatment possible - where private landowners and agencies can work together to promote forest health.
The Lake County Umbrella Watershed Council has worked with multiple and valuable partners to initiate a landscape level forest management effort aimed at improving forest health conditions that will reverse the current fire trend and increase ecosystem resiliency. The Council is proud to be a member of the founding group, Klamath Lake Forest Health Partnership.
Additionally, managing landscapes from ridgetop to ridgetop is a successful strategy to improve overall watershed function. Everything that occurs in the uplands affects water release, capture, and storage throughout the landscape. This type of management benefits timber stands, habitat for fish and wildlife, and working landscapes.
The Council is involved in ongoing forest health projects, but is continually planning and preparing for future ones. If you think your property may be eligible, you can find more information via the chart to the right, or check out our Project Highlights section on the Projects page.