Wildfires cause complex problems from water quality, loss of vegetation and soil stability, and loss of habitat and cultural resources. Identifying post-wildfire threats to human life and safety, property and critical natural and cultural resources is a top priority. Restoring pre-fire conditions is not always possible, but the primary goal of suppression repair is to minimize long-term impacts caused by personnel and equipment over the course of fire suppression activities. Already, crews and special resource teams are focusing on constructing water bars to ensure proper drainage, grading roads and fire lines to minimize impacts to vehicles, removing snags and woody debris and overhead hazards, closing gates and reconstructing fence rows, and redistributing slash created during handline construction on public land.
Lake County Umbrella Watershed Council, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Soil and Water Conservation District , Natural Conservation Brattain Wildfire Project Status Resources Service, Farm Service Agency, and private landowners.
In response to the devastating Brattain Wildfire that burned 50,952 acres (34% of which was private land) OWEB offered a 2020 Post Fire Recovery grant opportunity. Our partners at SWCD took the lead to apply for this grant. They were successful in that award and have been actively engaged in ongoing long term restoration efforts such as herbicide treatments to combat noxious and invasive weeds as well as reseeding in places that may have been unsuccessful during the Emergency response efforts and seeding of areas that have yet to be addressed. Please contact the Lake County Soil Water Conservation District for more information on this grant.
See Post Fire Recovery Link