The Goose Lake Watershed is a semi-arid region that occupies about 1,100 square miles. Goose Lake and its tributary streams support a unique group of native fishes that are adapted to waters relatively high in dissolved salts and alkalinity. Drought is not uncommon to the area and the lake has gone completely dry several times in the last century. The Goose Lake Working Fishes Group was formed 1991 in response to drought from 1987 to 1994. "A proposal was developed to list the entire Goose Lake fish fauna as Threatened under the Federal Endangered Species Act. In response, the Goose Lake Fishes Working Group was formed in 1991, made up of representatives from both California and Oregon including private landowners, state and federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and universities. In 1995, the Goose Lake Fishes Conservation Strategy was completed to help conserve and restore native fishes in the Goose Lake basin." Goose Lake Redband Trout ( The projects listed below are aligned with the 1991 response strategy.